Every analysis comes with a screen cast (video) of Lorin reviewing your credit report. Lorin’s analysis is free. The report is not. Below is a video of Lorin showing what’s involved in his analysis. Followed by instructions on how to get Lorin your reports.
Lorin’s Video Analysis
- Below is a link to access Lorin’s secure form. The form links you to the reports. The same form will also allow you to securely send Lorin your login info.
What is a screen cast analysis?
This is a video of Lorin going through every item on your report. Accordingly, Lorin will explain what’s hurting your credit, what’s helping, what you can do to improve and how Lorin’s program can help. The video analysis is also is emailed with a written version.
Why does Lorin prefer a specific credit report provider?
There are hundreds of places to get credit reports. All providers use different interfaces, terminology and even different scoring models. Lorin is more efficient when he views all data & scores using the same source.
What if I don’t want credit repair? I only want the video analysis?
By virtue of it’s popularity, this is common. Lorin is happy to help.