Welcome To Aggressive Credit Repair, LLC

(20 Years Experience)

“I’ve helped customers across the country for 20 years. You’ll work directly with me, Lorin. I’m the owner. I’m a credit repair expert and a mortgage loan originator. I’ll teach you everything there is to know about your credit and the scoring system. My program aims to optimize your credit and improve your borrowing power. Check out my FAQ page to see if you’re a good candidate.”
“9,000 customers helped, Gephardt Approved, A+ record with BBB, and the best reviews in the credit repair industry. There is no upfront fee and no charge for six months. My program is satisfaction guaranteed, or you don’t pay.”
“Interested to see how I can help you? Go to my Analysis page and get me your credit reports. I’ll email you a custom video analysis”.
– Lorin Hanks
Introduction To Aggressive Credit Repair
Why Work With Lorin?
It is virtually impossible to find a competitor with equal, or better, credentials than Lorin. Lorin has over 20 years experience in credit repair. Lorin has personally helped over 9,000 customers through his program (countless others have received free advice). Lorin has been a licensed mortgage loan officer for over a decade. Lorin’s program waits to charge customers later than his competitors, while usually charging less. Further, Lorin’s “one on one” approach to credit repair provides an experience that “big” companies cannot.
“Big” credit repair companies spend massive amounts of money on brick and mortar facilities, glamorous advertising and miscellaneous overhead. Accordingly, they hire “cheap labor”. “Cheap labor” results in a revolving door of employees. These untrained and inexperienced employees are expected to service a large amount of customers. So, when a customer calls in to speak with someone about their credit, they are relegated to speaking to a new employee who is woefully unfamiliar with their account. Is that a good business model for something as important and sensitive as your personal credit?
Lorin’s video credit analysis is the BEST way to find out what his program can do for you. Scroll down to see Lorin’s video analysis in action!